Wednesday 6 October 2010

Pistachios Are My Achilles Heel :(

As you can see above I'm improving my distance already! My legs hurt loads but I paced myself and managed to get 5/6 of what I needed done, I think I'll need to add a week to the couch25k program but hopefully the results will come faster as I go along.

Pistachios, you bastards! I went shopping after work and before my run to get a load of chicken, salad and other stuff I need for the week and saw a big bag of pistachios. I thought to myself "mm nuts, they're mostly protein, I'll let myself have a few each day" BIG MISTAKE! I need to learn that if it's there I'll eat it. I ate the. whole. bag! That's 3000cals to add to to-days intake. Very very disappointed in myself for messing up so early but I won't let it get me down. From now on I won't buy them and I'll be stronger. Learn from your mistakes Toby, don't repeat them.

Food For The Day
Breakfast: 2x Peperami (252 cals) 2x Cheese String (160 cals).
Lunch: Tesco's prawn salad (245 cals)
Dinner: 5x Bacon rashers (185 cals), pack of chicken (250 cals), cherry tomatoes (30 cals).
Drinks: Water, 3x sugar free redbull (10 cals)
Snacks:1x banana (50 cals), 1x Fuck off huge bag of pistachios :( (3000 cals).

Total: 1191 (before nuts) 4191 (after nuts).

Still I think this is a lesson in letting myself get too hungry, must better manage my food over the day to avoid binging. 1634 per day for the rest of the week to hit my 2000 cal a day average goal. It's easily doable!

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