Thursday 21 October 2010

Food For The Day

Breakfast: 2x Chicken Snacks (200 cals), 1x Cheese String ( 80 cals)
Lunch: 2x Flapjack (350 cals), 1x Roasted Peanuts (400 cals)
Dinner: 1x Box of Turkey Pieces (240 cals), 1x Bowl of Mince Stew ( 300 cals).
Drinks: 2x Sugarfree Redbull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 1820 cals

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Food For The Day

Breakfast: 2x Peperami (250 cals), 1x Cheese String ( 80 cals)
Lunch: 1x Salad Box (300 cals).
Dinner: 1x Noodle Nation Mixed Meat Yo Min (500 cals), Sesame Prawn Toast (210 cals).
Drinks: 2x Sugarfree Redbull, 1x Normal Redbull (250 cals).
Snacks: 1x GU Brownie (188 cals).

Total: 1778 cals

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Food For The Day

Breakfast: 2x Peperami (250 cals), 1x Cheese String ( 80 cals)
Lunch: 1x Salad Pot (50 cals), 1x Pack of Tandoori Chicken (190 cals).
Dinner: 3x Rasher of Bacon (111 cals), 3x Boiled Egg (171 cals), Bit of Cheese (200 cals), Bit of Spam (100 cals), Beans (238 cals).
Drinks: 2x Sugarfree Redbull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 1640 cals

Monday 18 October 2010

Monday Blues

Today was manic at work, the core routers decided to die so I spent the day dealing with unhappy clients. All I wanted to do was go on my run. Run I did, I did 2x 3 minute jogs and it felt great.

Food For The Day

Breakfast: 2x BBQ Peperami (250 cals), 2x Cheese String ( 160 cals)
Lunch: 1x Salad Pot (50 cals), 1x Pack of Tandoori Chicken (190 cals).
Dinner: 1x Pack of Ham (520 cals), 5x Rasher of Bacon (185 cals), 3x Boiled Egg (171 cals), Bit of Cheese (100 cals).
Drinks: 2x Sugarfree Redbull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 1876 cals! Loving this low carb diet, great results and loads of food :)

Birthday Weekend - Monday Weigh In

Had a lovely weekend, my friends and I went to Thorpe Park (a UK theme park) and spent the day there. Ate like a slob again but I was allowing it for my birthday. A Burger King and a KFC! Felt really horrible afterwards though so got some water and didn't eat anything else.

A couple of the rides I had a problem getting into with the attendant having to push the harness down which as well as being embarrassing also made me enjoy the ride less as I had trouble breathing and felt less safe. More motivation to add to the pile already building up!

That night we went to an 80s club and got really drunk, very good fun. Ended the night talking to a homeless chap before heading off for a taxi home.

Now I'll let you in on a little secret, a couple of hours after I woke up on my birthday I went and weighed myself. I wanted to see how I was progressing through the week. I was utterly shocked to see that I hadn't dropped a pound, it very nearly ruined my day. Moral of the story, wait until weigh days.

Monday Weigh In

Weight: 264 Pounds

Lost So Far: 12 Pounds
Left Till Goal: 54 Pounds

A 5 pound loss this week, very happy as I've gone under 19 stone and have nearly lost a stone in two weeks! While I do think this is a little fast I'm going to keep it up as surely it can't last forever. So Happy!

Friday 15 October 2010

Food For the Day

Breakfast: 2x Roast Chicken Packs (250 cals), 1x Cheese String (80 cals).
Lunch: Pack of Tandoori Chicken (190 cals).
Dinner: 6x Bacon (222 cals), 3x Eggs (171 cals), 2x Activia Yoghurt (150 cals), 1x Small Block of Cheese (100 cals).
Drinks: Water! 2x sugarfree redbull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 1413.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Tired - Small Update

Really late updating tonight so I'll keep it short.

Golf went "ok". Did some really good shots but consistency was down.

Food For the Day

Breakfast: 2x Roast Chicken Packs (250 cals), 1x Cheese String (80 cals).
Lunch: Pack of Tandoori Chicken (190 cals).
Dinner: 3x Pork Chop (456 cals), 2x Activia Yoghurt (150 cals), 1x Cheese String (80 cals).
Drinks: Water! 2x sugarfree redbull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 1456. Doing good good good, roll on the thin times.

Really looking forward to my run tomorrow!


Wednesday 13 October 2010

Treat Day - Curry

Running today was awesome, had been feeling tired all day but after the run and the initial mong out period after I felt great.

Today was a treat day so I've had a curry for dinner, was amazing, carbed up! Now feeling really positive about continuing the low carb, may be hard for a few days but must remain positive!

Food For the Day

Breakfast: 2x Peperami (252 cals), 1x Cheese String (80 cals).
Lunch: Pack of Tandoori Chicken (190 cals).
Dinner: Tandoori Rogan Josh(700 cals), Fried Rice(300 cals), 1.5x Popadom(45 cals), 1x Garlic Naan (300 cals).
Drinks: Water! 2x sugarfree redbull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 2117, not bad at all and a LOT LESS than I expected!

Roll on the next 5 months! Can't wait to be thin :)

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Food For the Day

Breakfast: 2x Peperami (252 cals), 1x Cheese String (80 cals).
Lunch: Roasted Peanuts (400 cals).
Dinner: 2x Packs of Chicken (396 cals), 2x Babybell Light ( 80 cals).
Drinks: Water! 2x sugarfree redbull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 1458 Calories.

Monday 11 October 2010

Gammon Is Gorgeous

Started week two of the run and I'm happy to say I got through the whole thing. Really starting to feel better about the runs, getting to a point where I'm sweating more than being out of breath it's great. Anyway, started watching the new Battlestar Galatica so will get to the food for the day.

Food For the Day

Breakfast: 2x Peperami (252 cals), 1x Cheese String (80 cals).
Lunch: Roasted Peanuts (400 cals).
Dinner: 3x Boiled Egg (171 cals), 2x Gammon Steak ( 404 cals), Plum Tomatoes (30 cals).
Drinks: Water! 2x sugarfree redbull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 1587 Calories! Amazing :)

Weekend Was A Blur

Was a pretty mental one as the title to this post illustrates but I think I did a pretty good job of keeping the carbs down and not binge eating. Binge drinking is another matter altogether! Went to a wedding reception on Saturday night, the open bar and the lure of JD meant that I got pretty damn wasted. I'm not going to write down what was eaten just give you the details of my weigh in this morning.

Monday Weigh In

Weight: 269 Pounds

Lost So Far: 7 Pounds
Left Till Goal: 59 Pounds

HALF A STONE! Awesome, now I know that it's mostly water weight but I'm chuffed to bits. Now to keep up the pace, I'm hoping for 3.5 pounds a week normally so will keep the positive mental attitude and exercise going.

Friday 8 October 2010

A Donut Is OK! (Every Now And Again)

I woke up today and went into work, I really didn't expect the lifestyle change to affect me so much so early on but it really showed today. I was awake, fresh, full of life and raring to go! Absolutely amazing, I'm so thrilled.

Anyway, it was a colleagues birthday today so he brought in a pack of Krispy Kreme donuts for the office (a tradition at work). I eye'd up a few but went for a standard glazed donut. I sat there savouring every bite, it was delicious! What happened after was a little strange, my stomach started growling and I developed a little pain there, it must be the fact that I've been rid of processed sugars and large amounts of carbs for a while. Anyway, it total messed up my appetite suppression (an awesome part of the low carb eating plan) and was seriously hungry for the rest of the day. I was strong though and lasted until dinner, after my run!

The run went really well, in the space of a week I've gone from being dead at 11 minutes to finishing what the couch25k was telling me to do! 5 mins of walking as a warmup, 60 secs jogging, 90 secs walking for 20 minutes and then a 5 minute walk to warm down, I cut the warm down a little short because I got to the gate of the running track but my pace is up and I felt absolutely amazing afterwards, very proud of myself!

Food For The Day

Breakfast: 1x Pack of Roast Chicken (120 cals), 1x Peperami (126 cals), 1x Cheese String ( 80 cals)
Lunch: 1x Roasted Peanuts (400 cals).
Dinner: 1/2 a pack of chicken (100 cals), Plum Tomatoes (30 cals), 6x Rasher of Bacon (222 cals), 3x Boiled Egg (171 cals).
Snacks: 1x Glazed Donut (200 cals).
Drinks: 2x Sugarfree Redbull, 1x Medium Normal Redbull (175 cals).

Total: 1624 cals!

A surprise to say the least, I would have to work hard to make myself eat more I'm so full. Excellent excellent news.

Now for my first weekend, the time I find the hardest. Will probably do the P90X stretch DVD tomorrow to start improving flexibility. Why I waited so long to start this I don't know I love it and feel fantastic.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Mmm Chicken

Today went well, staved off the cravings and got my new golf set! Hit some blinders with the driver and my consistency with the irons is really picking up. At one point I said to mum "I'm aiming for the net by the 100yard mark" BAM right in there.

Not much else to report so I'll list the food:

Food For the Day

Breakfast: 2x Peperami (252 cals) 1x Cheese String (80 cals).
Lunch: Roasted Peanuts (400 cals).
Dinner: Plum tomatoes (30 cals) 2x pack of chicken (490 cals).
Drinks: Loads o' Water! 2x sugarfree redbull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 1502 cals! A bit under my goal which is great and keeps me on track for below the weekly average. Got a wedding reception Saturday night though, we'll see how it goes (might post pics of Toby dressed a little posh).

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Pistachios Are My Achilles Heel :(

As you can see above I'm improving my distance already! My legs hurt loads but I paced myself and managed to get 5/6 of what I needed done, I think I'll need to add a week to the couch25k program but hopefully the results will come faster as I go along.

Pistachios, you bastards! I went shopping after work and before my run to get a load of chicken, salad and other stuff I need for the week and saw a big bag of pistachios. I thought to myself "mm nuts, they're mostly protein, I'll let myself have a few each day" BIG MISTAKE! I need to learn that if it's there I'll eat it. I ate the. whole. bag! That's 3000cals to add to to-days intake. Very very disappointed in myself for messing up so early but I won't let it get me down. From now on I won't buy them and I'll be stronger. Learn from your mistakes Toby, don't repeat them.

Food For The Day
Breakfast: 2x Peperami (252 cals) 2x Cheese String (160 cals).
Lunch: Tesco's prawn salad (245 cals)
Dinner: 5x Bacon rashers (185 cals), pack of chicken (250 cals), cherry tomatoes (30 cals).
Drinks: Water, 3x sugar free redbull (10 cals)
Snacks:1x banana (50 cals), 1x Fuck off huge bag of pistachios :( (3000 cals).

Total: 1191 (before nuts) 4191 (after nuts).

Still I think this is a lesson in letting myself get too hungry, must better manage my food over the day to avoid binging. 1634 per day for the rest of the week to hit my 2000 cal a day average goal. It's easily doable!

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Legs Are Hurting!

Today went pretty smoothly, long day of work sat at a desk then off to the driving range to hit out 100 balls. My swing is really coming along, trying my hardest to (badly) emulate Tigers epic swing.

Came home and got through the first half of Ab Ripper X, but it hurts, really really bad. I didn't realise how badly out of shape I was in. Still, it's another goal, aiming to improve and hopefully get through the whole workout at some point. My legs are going to be in so much pain tomorrow!

Food For the Day

Breakfast: 2x Peperami (252 cals) 2x Cheese String (160 cals).
Lunch: Flapjack (going to cut this out, didn't realise how high they are in carbs, 350 cals), Roasted Peanuts (400 cals).
Dinner: 1x Pack of nicely marinaded chicken from Sainsburys (290 cals).
Drinks: Loads of water today, will keep it up. 2x sugarfree RedBull, 1x Relentless (250 cals).

Total: 1702 cals. Must try and keep this under control, my goal max per day is 2000 cals, would rather stay around the 1500 cals mark though.

On the plus side, I'm not hungry at all and haven't felt the need to stray :)

Monday 4 October 2010

First Day!

First of all the last post dates from September, this is because I started writing the post and thinking about the blog then and just edited the post. I started today (and wrote the previous post on) the 4th of October 2010.

Food For the Day

Breakfast: Couple of peperamis (english meat snack, 252 cals) and a cheese string (80 cals).
Lunch: Flapjack (350 cals) and Roasted Peanuts (400 cals)
Dinner: 4x hard boiled eggs (228 cals) and 3x smoked bacon (111 cals).

Drinks: Not enough water! 2x sugar free RedBulls. 1x Relentless (250 cals, yes I love the caffeine).

Total: 1571 cals. Definitely a good start!


Well I'm starting easy. Did 11 minutes of walking/jogging (following the couch to 5k). Should have done 20 minutes but I forgot.

Feeling great and motivated. Going to research a shopping list and get it tomorrow after golf.

Before Stats

Age: 27
Height: 6 Foot 1
Weight: 276 Pounds

Lost So Far: 0 Pounds
Left Till Goal: 66 Pounds

Before Pictures
