Friday 10 September 2010

Why the blog?

Motivation really as well as a record of my journey. It's more for myself than anyone else but hopefully when I'm thin and fit I can link it to friends an family who can use it for motivation!

The History of My Fat
I know for a large quantity of men that I've talked to, when they get into a long term relationship they get comfortable and stop taking care of themselves. This happened to me, I was in an unhealthy and slightly abusive relationship. I got addicted to World of Warcraft and totally stopped taking care of myself (granted before I didn't really take care of myself as well as I should have but at least I made some effort). This coupled with a tough breakup and I've declined into a total fat slobfest. This. Needs. To. Change! And it will, with determination and education.

The Goal
I'm 27 and I'm currently at a little under 20 stone (I'm a big lad, 6"1), 19stone 10pounds to be exact or 276 pounds. My goal is 15 stone (210 pounds) and I want to achieve this in 6 months.

66/6= 11 pounds a month or 2.75 pounds a week.

Not unachievable and not (I hope) that hard to either. We'll see over the next few weeks/months how this holds up.

The Exercise and Nutrition Plan
Today I start exercising lightly 5x a week as well as sort my diet. I'm going for a low carb, high protein diet in order to hopefully get into ketosis (google it). I'm lucky in the fact that when I exercise and eat healthy I have no problems losing weight, in fact, I have in the past lose substantial weight purely with exercise.

Exercise will be loosely planned like this:

Monday - Run at local running track after work.
Tuesday - Golf driving range. Sit up sets (P90X Ab program).
Wednesday - Another run.
Thursday - Golf driving range. chest and back.
Friday - Run, biceps, shoulders.
Weekend - Rest, play Ralo: Reach

Promise To Myself
Today is the start of my new lifestyle, I no longer want to be fat and unnoticed. I will to live long enough to see the wonderful scientific discoveries that are not far ahead of us. I will be confident and happy. I will meet the girl of my dreams and enjoy life to the full. I promise this to myself, I will not let myself stay fat and depressed!

Before Pics
Before pics will be added when I get home.
